Over three months ago, a distraught sister, Ness Dillan, was desperate to find help for her brother, Kalei Luii, who was strung out on drugs. He lives in Palau and is married with three children.
Our son, London, told Ness’s friend about DAP and she contacted us immediately. Kalei arrived here in October. Listen to his story:
Having been raised a Seventh-day Adventist, he had a desire to reestablish his relationship with God, become a devoted Christian and a better husband and father. After taking Bible studies from Pastor Jason North and reviewing the Seventh-day Adventist beliefs taught to him as a child, he made the decision to recommit his life to Christ through baptism on December 21, 2019.
Kalei’s family is ‘bubbling over’ with joy! His sister, 11 year-old daughter, and five other family members from Palau, Louisiana and Michigan, surprised him last night at Vespers. Tears of joy covered all of their faces and their reunion was a ‘sweet’ sight to see.
After all the hugs 🤗 and kisses 😘,
his family talked together and we all joined in the merriment of the evening. What a blessing!
Today the family will attend the Oakwood University Church and join us for Sabbath dinner at the Recovery Home..
One of our goals at DAP is to rejoin families. As these men experience God’s healing, they are reunited with their families who help them achieve God’s purpose for their lives. Praise the Lord👏🏼💃🏽! We believe every life is worth saving!