Our guest speaker for Vesper’s was our friend, Ainsworth Thomas, a member of our church, Oakwood University. He’s an
Environment Health Safety Manager
in the manufacturing sector.
The heart of his message was “Jesus.”
He shared a song, “I’m in love with Jesus and He’s in love with me.” He repeats these words everyday and they stir his heart ♥️. We were encouraged to do the same.
He shared his personal testimony. Although he never used drugs, other habits prevented him from reaching certain goals in his life. He encouraged the men to stay focused on Jesus and not veer from their paths.
In closing, he compelled the men to ‘cut the ties’ of their past to give them promise for the future. He said, “Jesus loves us, He died to save us, and He’s coming back soon to take us home!” He played the song by Eleanor Wright, “Do you Love God More Than Anything?” It was so beautiful❣️
We were blessed by Ainsworth’s message🙏🏼👏🏼.