Tonight we joined Anthony and Phyllis Frazier, Coordinators for Vespers. Phyllis warmed our hearts as she sang, “Nothing Between my Soul and the Savior.” Anthony shared a sermon by
Elder E. E. Cleveland entitled, “That Stubborn Day That Won’t Go Away.”
It was about God’s creation of the Sabbath. The Fourth Commandment of the Ten Commandments says, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.”
At DAP, the Sabbath creates and strengthens our family ties. As we end our work the seventh day of every week, we look forward to our time with God. The Sabbath becomes not only a day to rest but to worship and spend time with family and friends. We appreciate the blessing of the Sabbath Day.
We pray that these men will continue keeping the Sabbath when they return home to their own families.