For Vespers tonight, we reviewed and discussed the Ten Commandments.
I showed from the following text, that this Law has not been done away with, or changed:
“For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.“
Matthew 5:18
I encouraged the men to study and keep these commandments close to their hearts.
Next, we looked at graduate Tracy Wise’s Interview on our former TV show, “Drugs Close to Home.” The men were very inspired by his story.
I admonish the graduates to take at least two years to get established before seeking a close relationship with a female. Tracy followed my advice. He met Aisha Mtimkhula at church and it was ‘love at first sight’😍. He established a relationship with her and her two daughters, Kelsey and Caroline. Then came the big surprise! He proposed to her on the TV show.
They have been married five years and have purchased a new home for their family. God has rewarded Tracy’s faithfulness! He is a leading role model for DAP👏🏼👌🏼.
Stories like this put a big smile 😃 on our faces!