Our Speaker tonight was client Robert Reid. His title was “David and Goliath.” After his remarks, he summarized the story by reading
1 Samuel 17:50-51:
“David prevailed over the Philistine with just the sling and the stone. He struck down the Philistine and killed him. David did not even have a sword in his hand.David ran and stood over the Philistine. He grabbed Goliath’s sword, drew it from its sheath, and after killing him, he cut off his head with it. When the Philistines saw their champion was dead, they ran away.”
It was inspiring to reminisce this story that most of us have heard since childhood.
On Monday, I gave the men a Glow Tract entitled “No Greater Love.” Their assignment was to write an essay on the subject. Cliff and I were delighted to hear their concept of God’s love.
Robert and Kalei quoted a passage from the book, Desire of Ages:
“Jesus was treated as we deserve to be, so that we can be treated the way He deserves. He was condemned for our sins, which He had nothing to do with. This was so we can be saved by His righteous goodness, which we can have nothing to do with. He suffered our death, so that we can have His life.” I love this!
Here in the DAP ‘School of Christ,’ these men are getting to know Christ personally. God is so good!
P.S. Tonight Emil Castro (pictured with me) was promoted to Phase IV, close to completing the program 👏🏼