The speaker tonight was our new client, Dominique Van Noy from Nashville. TN. Anthony Frazier’s friend, Tara Seay, who helped him enter DAP 20 years ago, recommended Dominique to the program. She is also a close friend of Dominique’s mother, Kamilyn.
Dominique is 29 years old, single, never been married with no children. He’s the oldest of three boys.
His parents married as teenagers and the marriage ended in divorce due to his dad’s alcoholism. Dominique still remembers the stinging words from his mother, “You’re just like your daddy!” He lived out those words.
Dominique started drinking alcohol and was introduced to crime and drugs at the age of 14. He has spent nine years in and out of juvenile halls, jails and prison for theft, aggravated assault, and burglary. In prison he was introduced to gangs and modeled his life after the head gangster.
In 2017, through the influence of his mother, he had a spiritual awakening and started attending church,and did well for awhile. After starting the use of cocaine, his old habits resurfaced and he went back to jail for armed robbery.
He never saw his mother from 2017 to May 2022. On June 6, 2022, expecting to go to prison 8-12 years for one case and 15-18 years for the second case, having a public defender to represent him, he was released to the custody of his mother. That’s just God! And an answer to a mother’s prayer 🙏🏼.
We are all so pleased to have Dominique in the program. He fits in well with his new brothers. He’s already cried a lot of tears of confession and repentance, seeking deep cleansing of his soul. God will creat in him a clean heart and make him a new creature in Christ . Please pray for Dominique.