Our guest speaker for Friday Night Vespers was Sam Anjejo, Accountant at ACTS (Adventist Community Team Services) in Loma Linda, CA. As an act of kindness, DAP beautifies their lawn each week. Sam’s humility and kindness shown to the lawn crew inspired Supervisor, Robert Hassler, to invite him to speak to the men.
Sam shared with us “7 Things to Make Us Happy.”: 1) Be mindful of your words. 2) Love yourself. We can’t love others if we don’t love ourselves. 3) Try new things. e.g. trip to Yellowstone National Park. 4) Be present ….in people’s lives without judging them. 5) Be of service to others. We were all surprised when Sam said this activity is as good as eating or sex. 6) “Choose” to be happy . Not even God can make us happy because He does not force us.
This message ‘hit home’ with the clients and they gladly welcomed Sam’s practical advice to help improve their lives.