Dear Family Member:
As we step into the dawn of a new year, DAP extends our warmest wishes to you. Happy New Year! May the upcoming months be filled with joy, growth, and the fulfillment of aspirations. In this season of new beginnings, let us reflect on the life-changing power of hope, resilience, and the abiding support that has defined our shared journey. Together, let’s embrace the possibilities that the future holds and continue to make a positive impact on the lives of those we serve.
It is with immense gratitude and joy that we share with you the inspiring testimony of Justin Hansen, a valued graduate and role model of DAP. Justin’s journey, marked by endurance, faith, and the power of the Holy Spirit, serves as a testament to the impact of our life-changing ministry.
I came to DAP in Oct 2012, because I was hopelessly addicted to alcohol, marijuana, and any other substance I could get instead. I had no self-control, and my life was guided by this behavior, straight to rock bottom. No one trusted me, people were suspicious and cautious around me, and I was hurting the people closest to me in order to sustain my drug addiction. I was very irresponsible and stubborn and didn’t have a lot of options left but to change. I knew I needed the working power of the Holy Spirit if I was going to have authentic recovery. I tried to stop cold turkey and make all the right changes but ended up still relapsing and realized that I needed serious long-term intervention. I was finally ready to make the long commitment and prioritize it over everything else, so I made the move to Grand Terrace, CA.
At DAP, the Harris’ demonstrated the love of Jesus by taking me in and supporting me 100% through the process. The Holy Spirit over time changed me to no longer be the same person. God has miraculously helped me make it a decade without even having a craving. At DAP I learned how to deal with anger, resentment, insecurities, and other difficult emotions. I also practiced patience, discipline, and accountability. I still uphold the principles that I learned in the program in order to maintain the miracles and for God to finish the work He has started.
Since graduating from DAP, I have been able to earn a Master’s degree in Education from La Sierra University in Riverside, CA, be blessed with a teaching career in the Southeastern California Conference, get married to an amazingly dedicated and beautiful woman, Kelsey, who is a physician. She has helped shape my life by uniting with me and providing me two awesome young boys that bring us both so much joy.
We are so pleased to also announce that our third child is due in July. God willing, we will be able to purchase a house to raise the little ones. We are praying and ask that you also pray for us to better understand what God wants us to do with all of our talents and blessings, so that we can serve Him diligently and be good stewards of the blessings He has given us.
Family member, your support has played an integral role in facilitating unique and personal journeys like Justin’s. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for supporting this life-changing ministry of which we have had the privilege of hosting for over 35 years. We hope that Justin’s testimony serves as a source of encouragement and inspiration to you, as it has us.
As we bid farewell to another year, we are reminded of the countless lives touched and converted through the compassionate efforts of our DAP family. Your support has been instrumental in fostering healing, recovery, and growth. As we embark on a new chapter, we humbly appeal to your continued generosity. Your contributions enable us to extend a helping hand to individuals like Justin Hansen, guiding them towards brighter futures. Join us in the pursuit of always seeking positive change and God’s true healing in the coming year. Your support is not only appreciated but vital to the success of our impactful ministry. Wishing you a blessed New Year filled with purpose, joy, and the fulfillment that comes from making a difference.
Warm regards,