Dear Family Member:
Would you please take a moment, during this busy time of year, to look at the pictures on the enclosed letter? Every picture is an answer to our prayers and yours. You see, God has opened another door for DAP’s ministry. And this time is it on the college campus of Oakwood University.
Because of your prayers, this opportunity has come to us, and later in this note we’re going to share with you a way you can personally help us as we step out in faith to answer the call of God.

The Lord has called us to expand the ministry of DAP to help the students at Oakwood University with drug problems. Dr. Leslie Pollard, a former DAP board member, feels confident that Cliff can make a great opportunity to share our 30 years’ experience with the administration and students of Oakwood University, Freddie’s Alma Mater.
Last September, Cliff gave his testimony at a meeting on campus. From the response of the students, dependents and codependents, we organized a support group and named it “Overcomers”. We meet on campus every Friday evening.
As ‘campus parents’ we are building meaningful relationships and gaining the trust of our ‘sons and daughters’. They are opening up and discussing their issues to experience God’s healing and spiritual growth in their relationship with Him. Prayer and devotion are a part of our group sessions. We give the students monetary gifts as incentives to do their assignments and to help them with their school expenses. It is exciting 😊 and encouraging to see their progress and help them realize their potential to be whatever they want to be.
In November, the group presented a Friday night Vespers to the Oakwood University Church, New Members Group. Andrew Wade, a Sophomore, was the guest speaker. EnKose’ Plummer, a Junior, sang and played his guitar. We all enjoyed a potluck dinner at the home of Drs. Garland & Jan Dulan. The food was delicious, and the fellowship was delightful. The New Members Group loved the students.
In December, at our last meeting before Christmas break, Cliff baked his famous ‘chocolate chip’ cookies and gave them to the students as Christmas gifts. They loved those homemade cookies 🍪. We discussed their struggles and how to continually reach out for help during their four-week vacation. Some kept in touch with us by phone which helped them “overcome” the temptations of Satan.
This month we are planning a student race, where the winners will get $100 awards. The whole campus will be invited. This activity will help promote the support group and inform students of the help available on campus for them and their peers. Drugs touch many of these students and if we can help just one, our work will not be in vain.
We are certain that as you read this inspiring letter your hearts will be stirred as ours were when we recognized the call of God to step out again and minister to young people who have their entire lives before them — lives that can be lived for Christ. This is why, at a time in our lives when most people decide it is “time to retire” we have asked God to retread us for the journey. He has laid this mission of love before us in the coming months along with the work at DAP.
And this is where your help is necessary. To say this new venture is a faith ministry is an understatement because the college doesn’t have the funds to pay for this program. However, we said we would use the talents God has given us because we think of all the men that have come to DAP over the past 30 years who have said, “I wish I would have gotten help when I was much younger. I would not have wasted so many years of my life.”
It is the words: “I would not have wasted so much of my life”, that ring in our ears as we work with these young college students who are, with God’s help, stepping on a path to heaven.
Would you please send a special gift this month that will be used for our “Overcomer’s Fund?” Your gift will be seed planted in the “Overcomer’s Fund” to help us with the essentials needed to provide for this ministry. Recently we were reading about the ministry of the early Christian church. It is such an inspiring story of how Paul, Timothy, Dorcas, Silas, John, Mark, Barnabas, Lydia and Aquila and Priscilla — stepped out into new areas of the world, never imagining that God would, through their lives, build a network of churches, lighthouses for God. — and it all started with people who said, “I’m putting it all on the line for Jesus.”
This is what your seed giving today will do for the expanding ministry of DAP. Please know that gifts large and small are needed and we will keep you informed as to how your seed planting is bringing forth growth in the Kingdom of God.
With love and gratitude,