Dear Family Member, we want you to meet our newest graduates!
Justin Hansen
Coming to the Drug Alternative Program has been the best decision I have ever made. While I was addicted to alcohol, marijuana, and pills I hit the dead end a few times and went right back to the same pattern of stealing from family and making desperate choices to support my habit. I could always hide it for a little while or make my problem look less severe than it really was but eventually I would lose whatever job I had, friends that trusted me, girlfriends who tried to endure, classes I tried to take, and obviously any money or resources I had. I would lose it ALL. Finally, I made the decision to come to the Drug Alternative Program where I got intensive long-term help from Mr. and Mrs. Harris who showed me what being Christian looks like and how to reestablish my own personal relationship with Christ. I also was mentored by top notch graduates and counselors who understand what addiction and recovery are like. I am now privileged to live in the transition home and still be close to the family and support of Drug Alternative Program. I am succeeding at my job as a substitute teacher, in my classes at La Sierra University as a student in the Master’s program, and have a healthy relationship with my fiancé. I still ride the ups and downs of life’s waves but things are constantly looking up for me and I can see myself growing and moving forward still.
Hollis Brown
I came to Drug Alternative Program for drug rehabilitation. When I arrived here, I was drawn by its strong family relationships. I have attended church since childhood, but did not know Christ Himself. When I came to DAP I met genuine, imperfect people who love God and love each other with all their hearts – people who live Christianity. I met sober men who were happy. I remember going to Campus Hill Seventh-day Church and meeting so many genuine Christians who accepted me. I just wanted to sit next to them and watch them, to learn what living Christianity looks like. I was loved by people who made me feel that it was okay to “not be okay” sometimes. I didn’t have to put on a smile and act happy. I could come broken and meet a real Jesus who really loves me. I have been in the program for 2 years and 8 months. I have a relationship with God, a good job and a new car. And with the help of my counselor, Dr. Ira Lake, I am looking into academic programs at local colleges that will be the best fit for what God wants me to do in life. Thank you, Drug Alternative Program, for changing my life. Thank you, DAP family member, for sponsoring me in the program. I am truly “blessed and highly favored” of God!
Leonard Walsh
Before coming to DAP, my life was a nightmare. I battled with depression and anxiety because of my drug and alcohol addiction. I am the proud father of three daughters, the best gifts that I received from God but my addiction caused me to lose my relationship with my daughters, grandchildren and the rest of my family. It brought me pain, shame, guilt and despair. I went to jail numerous times. As my addiction progressed, I walked away from my wife and kids. I didn’t think I deserved to be happy; my smile disappeared and I thought I would never be happy again. Then, through God’s grace, mercy and love, my family helped me to find DAP. In June 2014, Mr. & Mrs. Harris and a group of loving brothers welcomed me to the program with open arms. I was able to get my life back on track. I began to feel comfortable as the men were very accepting, understanding and patient with me. God ultimately placed me here to feel loved and cared for. Here I am experiencing His healing and re-building my relationship with Him. I am celebrating my 23rd month here at DAP. After completing the classes at the C.R. England Trucking School in Fontana, CA, I received my commercial driver’s license. While waiting for job placement, I am working for DAP.
Frank Celis
Love is resilient and it happens in the strangest places. It comes when you least expect it. When you do find it, you’ve got to hold on to it. I thought I could never find love or happiness again, but I did. Thanks be to God for DAP; all praises, honor and glory to Him and Him alone. Glory, glory, glory to God. I want to take this time to give God all the honor and glory for what He has done in my life through Mr. and Mrs. Harris, and Mrs. Bradshaw. As of today, I can say that I am going on my second year of sobriety. The DAP program has taught me to love myself and to learn the value I have in God’s eyes. I have learned to be honest first of all with God, myself, and with all my loved ones. Second, to be accountable for my actions and to be the responsible husband and father God expects from me. I have learned that I am forgiven and loved. Now I have the peace that I’ve longed for. Because of God and the tools of this program, I no longer have the urge to drink my problems away. Since I left DAP, not only do I have a permanent and stable job that allows me to keep the Sabbath but it’s not so hard on my bad knee. I am now head deacon for the English service of my church. I am also active with Bible studies as a translator and currently working on my GED online. I make it a point to tell anyone willing to listen about my testimony and recovery, and I have already impressed someone to seek the help that DAP offers. I pray, he will not be the last. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your prayers and your contributions to make DAP a reality for all men seeking for help.
Thank you so much for your gifts of love that make these success stories possible.
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