Dear Family Member:
Our neighbor is anyone that crosses our path and needs help, In the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), which of the three men do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers? The one who showed mercy and offered help to him. Jesus said, “Go and do likewise.”
Our neighbor, Jerry Cottingham, brought to Cliff’s attention the devastation of the tornado in Mayfield, KY which caused extreme losses. Next, our realtor, Joe Dent, asked if we could help collect items to assist our brothers and sisters during this devastating period. In 1979, after losing everything he and his family owned in a flood himself and becoming homeless for six months, his heart went out to help relieve the pain and suffering of the victims. So, we decided to roll up our sleeves and began soliciting aid. DAP filled up both 20 ft trailers with a treasury of gifts, food, necessities and money to take to Kentucky.
We were overwhelmed by the response of our neighbors, businesses, churches and from people we did not even know, giving generously for this cause. Moses sent a message announcing that no more donations were needed for the building of the sanctuary. There was plenty of material for all the work to be done. Enough and more than enough (Exodus 36:6). We too had to prohibit the people from giving because both trailers were ‘running over.’ We ask for God to multiply their gifts one hundredfold for those who gave so liberally in displaying their acts of kindness.
As we all arrived on the scene in Mayfield, words are inadequate to describe our sadness and sorrow as we saw up close and personal, the devastation caused by the tornado. We filled our trucks with substance from the trailers and contacted families in the neighborhoods, those living in hotels and surrounding areas; tracts to encourage their hearts.
These pictures will give you a glimpse of what we saw and experienced.
Our thoughts go back to Horatio Spafford, a successful lawyer and businessman in Chicago with a lovely family – a wife, Anna, and five children. They were not strangers to tears and tragedy. He and his wife lost all five children. He wrote “It Is Well With My Soul” during this great loss.
“When peace like a river attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll,
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul.”
We want to thank you again from the bottom of our hearts ♥️for your love, prayers and tangible gifts. Your sacrificial help for our distressed brothers and sisters would not have been possible without you. Jesus said. “…when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!” (Matthew 25:40)
As we began this New Year, let us continue to pray for these victims where the tornado left a trail of destruction. We are trusting God for healing, love and power.
Happy New Year!