Dear Family Member:
Our hearts are broken as we sorrow over the death of Dr. Winston Richards, MD, our friend, mentor, and Board member. He was a part of DAP for over 30 years supporting all activities of the program. This ministry was close to his heart, and he was close to our hearts.
Dr. Richards was one of the most generous and consistent givers for all the years he served at DAP. His large monthly donations supported this ministry in so many ways. He took a personal interest in the men and provided many of their needs including free medical care.
His sense of humor kept us joyful as seen in the picture of our 1995 double celebration – 10th wedding anniversary and Freddie’s 50 birthday. Look at the laughter on all our faces! This is the kind of humor he displayed.
He was also known at DAP for his delicious chocolate chip cookies. We looked forward to him, popping up with a batch for the DAP family. He also took diligent care of his body and participated in several marathons.
Dr. Richards, a soft spoken and humble man, loved God and loved people. His spiritual life spoke volumes showing others God ‘s love “with skin on it.” When things were tough and challenging, we received advice and encouragement from him that was healing and refreshing to our souls.
After moving the ministry to Alabama, we always stayed connected with him. Even during his illness, he would call to encourage us knowing that we are up in age and moving at a slower pace.
During our sorrowing, God gave us this text, 1 Thessalonians 4: 13, 14 which comforted are hearts:
We do not grieve, like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him (that includes Winston).
We are praying for Donna, and his sons, ‘Flip,’ and Nathan, asking God to be the husband and father in the absence of Winston in their lives. Please join us in praying for them.
In His love,
Cliff & Freddie
Dr. Richards, a soft spoken and humble man, loved God and loved people.
His spiritual life spoke volumes showing others God’s love “with skin on it.”